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‘Whether you think you can do it or you think you can’t do it, you’re right.’ Henry FORD

Recognizing the value in seeking your limits and in challenging yourself daily comes fundamentally from what we believe is possible or impossible, from our belief in control (locus of control), and from the sense of self-efficacy that we have, in short, from the mindset of each of us. However, this mindset can be static or dynamic.

Static vs Dynamic Mindset

  • Static Mindset: People with a static mindset tend to believe that their abilities are innate and immutable. Sometimes, they tend to avoid challenges for fear of failure and compromising their self-perception.
  • Dynamic Mindset: People with a dynamic mindset believe that their abilities can be developed through commitment and learning. They embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

The Importance of Challenge and Experience

The complexity of the challenge involves an experience, and this experience should be challenging enough to induce a state of flow. The quality of that experience is the basis for personal growth, and from there, we can derive the maximum benefit.

…Imagine a musician who performs. When he is completely absorbed in his performance, he loses track of time and reaches a state of flow. This state not only improves his musical ability but also his satisfaction. 

Evaluating One’s Abilities.Many people, however, are not capable of evaluating their abilities. Take, for example, an athlete who trains daily; he knows exactly what his performance is in each workout. On the contrary, a person who never trains cannot know the limits of his training or his standard performance.

Genius and Commitment

As Thomas Edison said: “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. So, a brilliant person is often just a talented person who has done their homework well.”


To face any challenge at high levels, there are no apps or super concentrates in a bottle; talent is just a small part of a person’s attitude.They are very different: commitment, discipline, passion, trust, and the ability to reframe the experience.So, have you ever faced a challenge that seemed insurmountable? How much effort did you put in? Were you disciplined? Did you need passion to overcome it?

Share your experiences with us in the comments! Tell us how you reframed your experiences to transform difficulties into opportunities for growth. It would be interesting to share the experience; you could be an inspiration to someone.


Take notes on the journey…

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