SLEEP is our SUPERPOWER says Matthew Walker, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and Founder and Director of the Center for Human Sleep of numerous scientific publications

Whether you are a professional, a doctor, a nurse, or simply an urban athlete, and you want to face your busy days without looking like a zombie, here are some tips to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Remember, better quality sleep translates into better quality of life and superior performance.

The National Sleep Foundation says that adults should sleep between 7-9 hours a night, while those over 65 can make do with 7-8 hours. Some lucky (or unlucky, depending on your point of view) can get by within 6 hours, while others need 9 hours of good, restorative sleep. So?

Knowing ourselves better is very important, it is essential to know that we are all different, even in sleep. 

The Circadian clocks  and your chronotype or the body’s natural preference for wakefulness and sleep. There are three types of chronotypes: Owl, Lark, and Neuter. Variations in chronotypes are related to genetics, age, and other environmental factors. Understanding your type and adapting to it improves the quality of your sleep. In larks, the peak of melatonin — the hormone that makes you want to hug your pillow — comes early in the evening, while in owls, it comes later after everyone else is asleep. Similarly, the peak of cortisol — the stress hormone that makes you active and ready to conquer the world — comes earlier in the morning in larks, while in owls, it comes later, just in time for lunch.

Regularity is Key: Yes, yes, I know, it sounds boring. But going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (even on weekends) helps maintain your circadian rhythm. Think of it like setting your internal clock: if you do this, you will feel in balance with yourself and with others. Try it and believe it! And on Saturdays ….

Keep Your Bedroom Cool: The ideal temperature for sleeping is around 18 degrees Celsius. If it seems too cold, think of your bedroom as your sleep cave. A cozy and cool cave without any technological devices where you only practice sleep and sex.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol:I know, I know, saying no to coffee and a glass of wine may seem like torture. However, it would be better to try to avoid them at least 4-6 hours before going to bed and pay attention to the limit of the amount that your body can tolerate beyond that limit, it cannot be disposed of and remains in circulation. Sometimes, it could be useful, when faced with temptation, to ask yourself how you would like to feel the next day. And what repercussions on our working day? What consequences do they have on relationships with other people? ……etc 

Reduce Exposure to Blue Light: Turn off phones, tablets, and computers AT LEAST an hour before going to bed. Very difficult. Can you do it? or say: “Yes, relax, I’ll stop when I want!” Blue light is like the Grinch stealing sleep! So, turn everything off and maybe read a real book. Yes, the ones with paper pages, they still make them. Spend some time with yourself… it’s very useful; it helps reactivate the perception of body signals

Practice Relaxation Techniques: Take a deep breath, meditate, or take a hot bath before sleeping (away from meals). Think of these techniques as superpowers that help you fight stress and enter the world of dreams without problems. 

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment: Invest in a good mattress and quality pillows. Imagine building your sleep castle: soft, cozy, cool, and above all, silent and dark. Yes, I said dark, so fix that damn blind because even superheroes need a dark and quiet place to recharge their batteries!

Watch Your Diet! What you eat can greatly affect the quality and quantity of your sleep. My grandmother Albina always told me: “Andrea, remember breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”


Avoid large and heavy meals at least 2-3 hours before bed. Eating too much can make it difficult to sleep because your body will be busy digesting. Depending on your metabolism, even a medium pizza can be difficult to digest. 

Chew, chew, and chew some more.. If you come home directly from work, take some time to slow down, perhaps by practicing landing. It often happens that we sit down at the table and bite into everything there is like the CROODS family however, to digest that block of food, it will take more than 3 hours to get to deep sleep. 

Goodnight Invitation

After all, sleeping well is our superpower. So, dear owls and larks, get ready to don the cloak of sleep and fly towards a restful and restorative night. As Benjamin Franklin said: “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

Goodnight and sweet dream! 🌙💤


Take notes on the journey…


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